Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednedsay (aka Tuesday in USA)

Today started out dreary and muddy. Our boots were caked with clay mud as we made our way to our jobs for the day. Fortunately the weather started to cooperate and we were successful at making quite a bit of progress today. Jim, Mary, and Terry continued to build the fence. The side fence is now finished, there were 245 boards, 6 inches wide and over 1200 nails were put into the building of the fence for Frida's home. Paula and Char started by clearing out the house so the flooring could be started today. Vinyl and carpeting will be completed by tomorrow. Then they moved on to painting the skirting on the house. Mike and Laurie painted today instead of mixing more concrete. That was a change for them. The back property line has a fence that had been decorated by graffitti, it is now a solid green and looks really nice. Bill and Tonya worked on the front fence, a picket style with a gate will be the entry to the propery. Tonya moved on to learning to build steps for the back deck. Bill framed in the sidewalk leading up to the house. Gino used his talent as an artist to decorate the bedroom for Frida's youngest daughter. Tony worked diligently all day to complete the 'boxing in" or skirting as we would call it, for the base of the house. We have a little repairing to do tomorrow, our excavator bumped the back porch with his equipment and we need to rebuild the back porch decking. We only have 2 days left until the dedication of the house. There seems to be a lot to complete yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone!!! Shonna Quigley, my daughter, forwarded this blog to me and I am following your progress from California. I think that it is the Holy Spirit within you that took you to New Zealand to help others who are less fortunate. You should all be proud of yourselves for doing the Lord's good work. Take Care of Yourselves. STAY SAFE!!!! Blessings, Karen Mazzacano
